In 1962 PREMO, S.A. was founded as a company to develop and manufacture TV sets and the inductive components needed for them.
Eight years later however, PREMO abandoned the production of TV sets and specialized steadily into what was going to be the core business of the whole group: export oriented inductive components development and manufacturing.
PREMO’s first foreign sales office was established in 1982 in France.

As from 1981 PREMO was split into various spin-off companies, all specialized in a different segment of the inductive components sector. The following companies were formed:
- Predan, S.A. | Nuctor, S.A. | Powertransfo, S.A. | Prefilter, S.A.
A new milestone was reached when a new large R&D and manufacturing plant was opened in 1995 in the Andalusia.
Technological Park (Málaga, Spain) for RFID components. Under the PREDAN brand name, RFID component sales experimented a true boom, becoming the leading product in sales of the PREMO Group.

In 1999 overseas expansion started with the establishment of sales offices in the United States.
At this moment the PREMO Group is represented in six states by three commercial organizations.

However, it was not before 2001 that the PREMO Group could call itself a true multinational company.
A long cherished wish came than into fulfillment with the festive opening of a new manufacturing plant in Wuxi, a town near Shanghai in China.

2004 - 2005
In 2004, PREMO Group added a new range of products to its catalogue: PLC Products.
They consist of inductors, transformers, control instruments and other devices especially meant for data transmission through the public electricity network.
PLC products developement and manufacturing will be located in the Málaga plant.
In 2005, PREMO open a new plant in Wuxi (China).

2006 - 2008
In 2006 new manufaturing plant was open in Tangier.
In 2008 PREMO closed first Wuxi Plant and first Tangier Plant to open a new and larger plant in Tangier. PREMO opened a new R&D Center in Grenoble (France) and Bangalore (India). A back office in Tokyo was opened.

2012 - 2014
In 2012 PREMO signed Toyota TE Japan Partnership.
In 2013 Premo Alwox partnership (Korea).
In 2014 Open PREMO Korea.

2015 - 2019
In 2015 PREMO Vietnam was founded and a new R&D Center in Málaga was opened.
In 2017 PREMO USA (Yorba Linda, California) was founded. Introduction of AR/VR EM Tracking Sensors and Amfitech partnership
In 2018 PREMO opened New Tangier Plant.
In 2019 PREMO Germany Office, Fürth was founded.

2020 - 2021
Foundation of:
- Shenzen New Office
- US Detroit New Office
- Shanghai New Office

New Production Plant in Vietnam & China.

New Production Plant in China (Wuhu)
New Office in India (Bangalore)