在 PREMO,我们的核心价值之星不仅限于我们的内部文化,还延伸到我们如何为客户服务。
在 PREMO,我们的核心价值之星不仅限于我们的内部文化,还延伸到我们如何为客户服务。
在 PREMO,我们畅想技术的未来,期待与才华横溢、同样热衷于创造更美好世界的人才一起解决问题。我们通过创新、好奇心和热情的文化,将不可能变为可能。
“在 PREMO 工作,我感受到了充满信任和鼓励的环境。在整个团队的支持下,每天接受新的挑战并创造解决方案,这真是太棒了。”
DACH 销售经理(德国)
“在 PREMO 集团工作非常有意义。公司培育创新和协作的文化,大力支持专业成长和技能发展。”
“能够加入这样一支团队真是令人振奋,这支团队不仅在推动技术进步,还优先考虑可持续性和全球影响。我很自豪能够成为 PREMO 集团的一员!”
"Just do it and get it for goals with one team, PREMO~!"
James (Sung Ho) Park, Business Development Manager (Anyang, Korea)
"As one member of PREMO Group , I am quite proud to work in such a vigorous and dynamic atmosphere. Colleagues working within organisation sharing thoughts would definitely create consistent positive consequence, contributing to our long-term growth and maintaining our competitiveness in an uncertain market."
Allwin Wang, Sales Manager. Mid-East China (Wuxi, China)
"One of the things I enjoy most about working at PREMO is the teamwork. When it's a hard day for everyone on the team, we come together to support each other where needed."
Zakaria Annaji, Engineering Manager. (Tangier, Morocco)
"Working at PREMO has been a
transformative journey. The opportunities and support I received not only
inspired me but also allowed me to grow and eventually become a coach. The
environment here fosters creativity and provides endless ideas to thrive
personally and professionally."
Choukri Boukhzar, HR Manager & Coach. (Tangier, Morocco).
"My favorite aspect of
working at PREMO is being able to work with really smart but also empathetic and genuine people. Even the most difficult times on the business are easier to get through when you're working with great people! Additionally, I've had the opportunity to continuously learn by moving across roles in different functions."
Yassine Belrhadi, Production Manager. (Tangier, Morocco)
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